Friday, September 3, 2010

Who Invented the Computer?

            "Who invented the computer and what year?" The answer to the first part of the question is Charles Babbage. Interestingly, the implementation of the design of what should have been the first computer was actually completed in 1989. But, if the question is "Who invented the computer first and electronically?" then it is John Presper Eckert & John W. Mauchly. They built the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). Then why is Charles Babbage given the credit of inventing the computer? Charles Babbage was the first person to introduce the idea of "programmable machines". Charles Babbage hardly imagined that his distaste for human errors would one day result in inventions such as desktop computers and laptop computers.

To reach today's era of artificial intelligence, natural language processing and high power processing, computer inventions had to go through various generations. This all started with Charles Babbage's difference engine in 1822. The difference engines and analytical engines (if completed) would be heavily mechanical. Their weight would be in tons (although analytical and difference engine are not considered to be of any generation, let us consider them to be of zeroth generation for the sake of reference). The main feature of first generation (1940 - 1956) computers was vacuum tubes. The architecture of second generation (1956 - 1963) computers was based on transistors. Third generation computers (1964 - 1971) saw the introduction of integrated circuits. And fourth generation (1971 - present) computers are based on microprocessors. And now we are in the fifth generation (present - henceforth) of computers, where artificial intelligence takes precedence. Following is the story of the man who invented the computer, and when he did that, little did the world know that Charles Babbage had managed to alter the course of history .

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